Sunday, November 30, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008
Finished with Sill
The following pictures show the basic elements of assaulting structures in an urban environment. Entering a hostile room is by far one of the most dangerous thing a soldier can do in combat. We were just learning the basics, but even in practice you quickly learned that what we were learning was incredibly difficult.
This team has just breached a door and is assaulting through the "fatal funnel", the section of the door where most team members are likely to be hit coming through.

This is a portion of my squad working on "pie" drills. Moving down hallways and enclosed spaces while covering each team member in a 360 degree arc.

Climbing stairs adds another difficult dimension to urban assault operations. This is a team trying to move up stairs while covering 360 both vertically and horizontally.

My buddy Micah Pawlata preparing to dismount the truck and assault Liberty City, the simulated town in Fort Sills range.
My squad just dismounted and is pulling security before the initial assault. My roommate Jeracka is our squad leader and gets the pleasure of humping the radio on his back.
This is FOB Kelly. Our home for 3 weeks. The little white buildings are "safety sheds". Small steel reinforced concrete structures that are designed to withstand tornados. If you look in the right hand corner in the distance is the clam-shell gym that was off limits because a tornado picked up a connex and launched it into the gym. Home sweet home.
Life wasn't all bad. We at least got a great view during sunset.
To finish the cycle our cadre auctioned of "pie your cadre in the face" tickets to raise money for local charities. This is our 4th platoon cadre SSG Cleason, who is freshly pied.
Overall BOLC II was just another "check the block" assignment for me. I didn't learn a whole lot, but I certainly appreciate the friendship that I have made and that I will keep throughout the Army. As of now I am back in Fort Benning, GA and I am preparing to start Infantry Officer Basic, which I hope will bring the challenge that I am looking for!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
They give you real bullets here
Shooting the M-2 .50 machine gun. We only fired 15 rounds but you could definitely feel the power and recoil on the weapon.
This is the ARM (advanced rifle marksmanship) All of these LTs have live ammunition loaded. In a line standing shoulder to shoulder we were expected to conduct a series of facing movements (full range of motion) with a fully loaded weapon. It was certainly a lesson on trust because at any given movement your buddy was walking and turning right next to you.
This is my buddy LT Williams. He is prior service with at least 10 years experience. Since he was a platoon Sergeant in the 82nd, he has been a great source of experience and knowledge. He is holding "Turtle" a brand new hound puppy that belongs to one of the cadre. We are right about to set out on a convoy and he handed the little guy around.
Me and Turtle.
This is on a cliff face overlooking the land navigation course. I volunteered for an advanced trail land navigation course that our Company Commander was testing out to see if it would work effectively within BOLC II. The rest of the company conducted a normal land nav test that requires them to find 8 points, within 5 hours, in a 10 square kilometer area starting at 5 am. The 10 LTs (including me) who volunteered encountered a completely different experience. We started the course at 1 am with a 40 pound rucksack (backpack), a rifle, and Night Vision. We weren't told where we were dropped off or where any of the points where. We had 9 hours to search and locate as many points as we could within the land nav course. Once we located a point we were required to use terrain association and other techniques to accurate plot the point. This was by far the most I have ever been challenged on any land navigation course. I managed to accurately plot 18 points after nearly rolling my ankle and falling on my face about a dozen times.
We also conducted a live night fire range. This is a blurry image of what you see through PVS-14 night vision monocular.
My roommate Jeracka always throwing up the peace signs. You can see he is wearing the larger PVS-7 night vision goggles.
Boys are boys and the first night we were at the FOB my buddy Hackett and I were left to Guard some of the platoons weapons. We have everything: M-249 SAWs, M-240 MGs, M-19 grenade launchers. This pretty much sums up the heavy fire power of a light infantry unit.
This is my buddy Hackett going through berm drills. The objective is to fire accurate controlled fires while moving from behind different obstacles including berms, windows, and doors.
This is a video of me going through the berm drills. CPT Davis (our plat ton mentor) is the safety officer leading me through the drills.
These are my guys from 4th PLT, 2nd Squad. From the left Hackett, Ferge, and Jeracka. They are in full "kit" including Individual Body Armor (IBA), combat vest, and helmet.
This next week is going to be intense. I finally have a leadership position as Platoon Leader. My job is to make sure our platoon is on-time and in the right place for the next four days. We will be conducting Convoy live fire (shooting from vehicles) and MOUT training (how to shoot inside buildings and clear rooms). The most important thing is that I actually have a short 4 day work week. Friday the 7th is Veterans day and the start of our 4 day weekend. I am really excited because I am headed to NC to visit friends and take a break.